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All children participate in high quality Physical Education each week. It is our aim to develop children's confidence in a variety of different activities. 


Please see our curriculum maps and progression of skills documents below for more information.




Leigh School is proud to be registered with the STA and follows their awards from Level 1-6 including the Self Rescue Award.  This is a statutory subject and we take swimming seriously.  Children in KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6) attend swimming lessons at Castle Vale Swimming Baths.



Association for Physical Education (afPE)


The Association for Physical Education (afPE) is the PE Subject Association in the UK.

afPE are committed to being the representative agency of choice for people and organisations delivering or supporting the delivery of physical education, school sport and physical activity in educational contexts and in the wider community.

afPE's work includes developing physical education related policy and related statements, responding to consultations, providing resources, outstanding professional learning across the sector, meeting with representatives from partner organisations and political representatives, and promoting the subject in a variety of forums.

afPE's purpose is to promote and maintain high standards and safe practice in all aspects and at all levels of physical education, school sport and physical activity, influencing developments at national and local levels that will impact on pupils’ physical health and emotional well-being.

Pathway to Podium Certificate

Pathway to Podium 2022

What is Pathway to Podium?

The Pathway to Podium initiative has been designed to recognise and encourage schools' contribution to Physical Education, school sport and physical activity   (PESSPA).                                                                                                    It celebrates the positive work that schools are delivering in terms of PESSPA and supports schools to improve their offer for the benefit of children and young people.  

Pathway to Podium is available for all schools across Birmingham and is designed to use the 2022 Commonwealth Games as a tool to increase the opportunities for young people to be active for a minimum of 60 minutes every day.


How does Pathway to Podium work?

Pathway to Podium will provide a set of criteria across 5 key areas of PROFILE, PARTICIPATION, PERFORMANCE, PEOPLE and PLACES.

Schools will complete an initial self-assessment on each of the 5 key areas and receive a rating (bronze, silver or gold) based on their responses. Schools will need to evidence key strategies they have implemented, the impact this has had on the outcomes and progress for young people and their plans for future development.

Schools will be supported to develop an action plan that enhances their school offer in PESSPA and improves the outcomes for young people. Schools will be encouraged to re-assess on a yearly basis to evidence improvements and prioritise further developments.



Leigh School are members of the Birmingham Active School Alliance.  We will strive to promote healthy active lifestyles in school to support the health and wellbeing of all our pupils.

Home Learning Physical Activity Resources


Sport England -           How to stay active while you're at home

Cosmic Kids Yoga -      Wellbeing and emotional health

                                   Healthy Eating

Youth Sports Trust -  Home Learning Resources

                                   Primary Stars

                                   Physical Challenges for Kids

