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Spring 2

Life Education Caravan
Science - Reversible and Irreversible Changes
Enrichment activity
Computing - Desktop Publishing
Malachi drama workshop
World Book Day
Room 13 by Robert Swindells
This was our class book. We managed to time it just right so that we actually read the final few chapters on World Book Day! Great timing. This is a story about a school trip to Whitby where some of the children find themselves faced by some terrifying happenings that are taking place right in the hotel where they are staying!! Have they the strength of character to do the right thing or will they walk away? The only way you will find out is to read the book for yourself. But make sure that you are fast asleep by the time the clock strikes midnight...
Street Child by Berlie Doherty
This is another book - one that we started to read as part of our Literacy links to our Victorian topic. It is the story of a boy left orphaned and friendless in the workhouse. Life is extremely hard and at times downright cruel! But Jim, the main character, resolves to make something of himself. We hope he makes it! We are still reading this book.
We Are Desktop Publishers
Design Technology - Bread