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Welcome to 1N's Class page!smileyno

Your teachers are: Miss Noble and Mrs Patelsmiley

Summer 2 Term

Wow! This term has been jam packed with so many fun activities and the weather has been absolutely spectacular - what a bonus!

We had a fantastic visit from the author Andrew Cope - can you remember which series of books he has written?

We also went on a school trip to Kingsbury Water Park. Why did we go to Kingsbury Water Park? Can you tell your family some of the facts that you learnt from Tim the ranger?


Our Class Assembly!

It's Good to be Me!

Friday 24th April was our class assembly, it was all about showing  our skills and talents to the rest of the school. We discussed how we are all good at something and that we should be happy to be different; after all if everybody was the same it would be so boring!

We also acted out the story of Elmer. It was a fabulous assembly and we were awarded 58 merits for it!

Thank you, mums and dads for coming to watch, we hope that the children made you very proud and happy!

100% Attendance!

The children who have come to school every single day have been awarded an attendance medal! Well done children!

Summer 1 Term

As usual we have been doing lots of work and learning about lots of new things this term. As the weather has been so lovely we have been doing lots of activities outside. The children really enjoyed our comuputing lesson on algorithms!


Easter Fun!

Although the last week of term was a very busy one we did have time to do some fun Easter activities including making and designing an Easter egg, I was lucky enough to be one of the judges of the Easter egg competition and wow was it a tough job to just choose one egg from each class. There were so many fantastic eggs - what a creative bunch you all are! 

Eventually the four judges did choose the winners and the winner from 1N was Rayyan!

Congratulations Rayyan your egg was superb and I could see that you had designed it all by yourself! A big well done to everyone that entered and the mums and dads that helped too!smiley



Comic Relief 2015

To celebrate and join in with Comic Relief the whole school had a Topsy Turvy Day, which meant that everything was upside down, the wrong way round or just plain silly! We wore our clothes the wrong way round and odd shoes! Miss Noble even forgot to take her rollers out of her hair! We had a very silly day, we painted our noses red and took silly selfies! We raised lots of money too!

World Book Day 2015

Wow! This day was so fun and exciting not only did we dress up as our favourite characters and discuss our favourite books, but we also had a very special visit from an author!

Can you remember her name?

Her name was Cat Weatherill and she did some fun activities with us all about reading and books. All of the children looked fantastic, thank you to all of the mums and dads who helped to make costumes and a huge congratulations to Mumina (or should we call her Elmer!) who won the 'best dressed' costume.

During the week we were also learning about a very special author. Can you remember his name? If you can't have a look at the pictures to remind you!


Tuesday 10th February 2015 - Visit to the Life Education Caravan

Today was a very special day for Class 1N, we went to visit Kate and Harold in the Life Education caravan, we learnt so much about healthy eating and looking after ourselves correctly and we even had a little nap because it went very dark inside of the caravan and the stars came out! At the end of the visit the children received a certificate, we hope that Kate and Harold come and visit us again soon!no



Spring 1 Term


Welcome to 2015 in class 1N, we have had a fantastic start to the year, we have had a very long break and returned to school refreshed and ready to work!

We have been doing lots in all subjects including  Numeracy, Literacy, Science and Art! Maybe you can show your families the pictures below and explain what we have been learning about in each of them! 

I'll give you some clues to help you:

In Art we  have been painting using different m__________, in the style of P______ K_____ (our artist this half term).

In Numeracy we have been learning to tell the time, what number does the big hand have to be on if the time is o'clock?

In Numeracy we have also been learning about one of Miss Noble's favourite things!

In Science we have been investigating whether materials are w__________ or not.

In Literacy we have been learning about f________ stories and even wrote our own stories called Class  1 ___  a____ S____!

Autumn 2 Term 2014-15

We seem to have crammed in so much this half term! We have celebrated Eid and had a fabulous time at the Eid party, especially teaching Miss Noble how to dance! We also ate a lovely, yummy, scrummy Eid lunch!

Have a look at some of the pictures below smiley;



Children in Need Day 2014


On Friday 14th November 2014 Leigh school celebrated Children in Need day by having a superhero theme! Lots of children and adults dressed as their favourite superhero; Superman, Spiderman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Nurses, Doctors, Princess' and much much more!


We had a very good day and raised lots of money for charity!

Our Trip to Green Lane Mosque

We visited Green Lane Mosque as part of our RE topic. We met Suffyan who told us all about what happens at the mosque. He said that there can often be 6000 people praying during Friday prayers. Did you know Green Lane Mosque used to be a swimming pool? We thought that was a very interesting fact!


1N's Christmas Party 2014

We had a fabulous time at the Christmas party we ate a lovely turkey dinner, pulled lots of crackers, played lots of party games and danced the day away!

A huge hello from Miss Noblesmiley

Well what a fabulous first half term we have had in year 1! We have learned so much I don't know where to begin!

We've been writing sentences, captions, speech bubbles, instructions and labelling lots of things. When I say lots I actually mean everything we went label crazy! Look at the pictures below: We even labelled Mrs Patel!

We also did some acting; the children were put into groups of four and acted out the story of Little Red Riding Hood. It was a fantastic lesson there were lots of different elements covered such as sequencing, repetitive language and all of the groups performed their work to the whole class it the whole class and certainly made Miss Noble and Mrs Patel chuckle!smiley
