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Welcome to 2K!

Welcome to class 2NK where you can read about all the exciting things that we have been doing in school. We have already had a busy and fun start to the term.


September 6th 'Safety Day'


We watched a special assembly by a fireman from Ward End Fire Station. In class we learnt how to to stay safe at home and in school by learning about E-Safety, Fire Safety and Road Safety.  We wrote our own E-Safety charter.

September 2013


As part of our Topic 'All about Birmingham' we went for a walk in the local area. We recognised the different features in the area and understood how land is used for different puposes.

Walk in the local area

Eid Ul Adha Celebrations

Life Education Cravan visit

On Thursday 13th February 2K went to visit Harold the Giraffe in the Life Education Caravan.  They learnt about recognising and dealing with different feelings.  With the help of Tamy the anatomical doll the children learnt the names and functions of some of the internal body organs.  Children understood of ways to stay safe and healthy.  They all understod that they need to ask trusted people for help to help them deal with difficult situations.

Year 2 Trip to Symphony Hall


Year 2 were fortunate to be able to visit the prestigious Symphony Hall early in February. At the Hall they had a chance to watch a variety of superb musical performances by orchestras from schools in and around the Midlands. They particularly enjoyed joining in with the song 'We are Family'.

World Book Day  March 2014

On Thursday 6th Mach everybody around the country celebrated 'World Book Day' . 2K children and staff dressed up as different characters from some of their favourite books. They had lots of fun. Can you guess what charcters some of the staff and children are dressed up as?

Year 2 visits The Nature Centre

On Tuesday 11th March year 2 went on a trip to visit The Nature Centre to learn about nocturnal animals.  They saw lots of differnt animals  on their walk around the centre . They also had a lesson delivered in The Nature Centres classroom about nocturnal animals. Children had lots of fun and learnt lots about different animals.
