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Welcome to Class 4S!

Hello and welcome.


This is the place where you can learn all about the fantastic and exciting things that we have been doing so far this year.  We have had a very busy and enjoyable beginning to the term and the children have been working extremely hard.


Remember to look at Kids' Zone as well as Mathletics and Spellodrome. 

We hope that you enjoy the website.


From Mr Shelley and Mrs Kausar.

In Literacy, we have read, written, learned and recited a range of poems - particularly by Michael Rosen. These humorously describe familiar topics and we had a lot of fun performing them (using gestures and expressions).

In Literacy, as well as poetry, we have been reading 'A boy and a bear in a boat' by Dave Shelton. This story is set at sea and so all of our writing has been based around the story's setting and events. The children have written character descriptions, messages in bottles, diary entries and more. To enable everyone to fully experience the ocean, we brought the ocean to the classroom!

In one of our Enrichment sessions, the children learned how to make paper boats from one sheet of A4 paper. They practised making neat folds and then were able to test out their boats in water.
During Safety Day, the children developed their understanding of E-Safety, Road Safety and Fire Safety. We had a visit from local fire and road safety instructors. The children then shared their ideas and joined in with a range of activities - including writing a class E-safety charter, identifying dangers and safety tips when walking close to roads and creating a fire evacuation plan.
As part of our Eid celebrations, the children came to school dressed in a fantastic range of party clothes. As well as sharing lunch together, the children made Eid cards for their families and played different party games - including pass the parcel and musical statues.
During Black History Month, the children learned about a number of famous people who we remember on Black History Day. Each class focused on a particular person's life and achievements, celebrating their contribution to today's multi-cultural society in the UK and beyond. In Year 4, we learned about Rosa Parks and created fact files and portraits. We thought about how she influenced the thoughts and actions of others both at the time and in the years which followed.
In Science, the children have been learning all about healthy eating, looking after our teeth, the digestive system, food chains and much more. We practised brushing a couple of large sets of teeth with an extremely large toothbrush! The children also matched up animal skulls with the correct animals - considering the function, size and shape of the teeth. As well as learning about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, we had a lot of fun creating digestive systems out of plasticine.
In Geography, the children have been learning how to use an atlas to locate different parts of the UK, Europe and the world. They have learnt about capital cities, countries and continents (as well as physical features and human features that can be found in different places across the world).
In Music, the children have been learning how to play the clarinet. They know how to put the instrument together and realise that 'practice makes perfect' which is helping them as they improve.
In French, the children have been developing the knowledge (and pronunciation) of a range of French words. They have been using conversational activities in pairs, small groups and with the whole class to further improve their abilities.
In another of our Enrichment sessions, the children improved their accuracy when painting by using cotton buds. They based their ideas on aboriginal art and used the examples to create their own decorations and patterns.
In Art, the children found out all about Gustav Klimt. They reviewed different pieces of artwork by him and explained their preferences - commenting on different aspects (such as patterns, the use of colour and different media). From this starting point, they then practised their sketching abilities and use of colour. They also recreated a piece of art called 'The Tree of Life', using pencils and paints.

In Music, the children have been becoming more confident in their abilities, learning new notes and playing new songs with a greater confidence. They listen to each other more as a group and are learning how to improve their individual techniques when playing.

In French, the children are becoming more confident in playing vocabulary games and using new words within their sentences. The children are having more conversations in French and are now more able to help support each other as they improve pronunciation and sentence construction.
On Monday 16th May, the children celebrated Diversity Day! We all came to school wearing as many different colours as possible to celebrate how we are all different, but can all be part of something bigger. Some of our activities were based around not using words (to empathise with those who have EAL needs). These included creating instructions and ordering each other by different criteria.
On Wednesday 18th May, 4S visited Bishop Hooper CE School (near Ludlow - in the Shropshire countryside)! The children had recently visited us and this was our turn to learn about how people live in a contrasting location. We had a Guided Tour of the town and saw the castle and river. We also went to the school and played games in their local field with our new friends.
On Thursday 9th June, the whole of Year 4 visited the Birmingham Progressive Synagogue in the centre of Birmingham. We made kippahs to wear out of respect and used Jewish symbols to decorate them. We learned about the significance of 'The Tree of Life' and we also learned about the: Ark, Bimah, Menorah, Rabbi, Tallit, Torah and more.
On Thursday 9th June, the whole of Year 4 also visited the Birmingham Central Library. We enjoyed looking around the amazing building, visiting the roof-top garden and, of course, reading books in the Children's Library. Many children used their library cards to take out new and exciting books and some chose to take home Tudor books to aid their research for their Tudor Projects.
In French this year, the children have played a number of different games and joined in a range of activities to learn, use and develop their ability to speak in French. They are becoming more and more confident in speaking French in sentences and are now having more conversations in French - becoming more able to support each other.
On Friday 8th July, 4S performed their songs on the clarinet for the first time in front of an audience. They bravely played in front of parents and the whole school and they played extremely well - listening to one another and playing as a group. It was a very enjoyable concert and children from other classes also performed on their instruments.
On Friday 8th July, the children really enjoyed their Eid Party! They wore some of their favourite clothes to school and had a nice meal at lunchtime. They then had a party in the classroom, playing a range of games including: pass the parcel (with forfeits); a joke-telling competition; musical statues and more.
On Tuesday 12th July, the children in Years 3 and 4 competed in a Sports Day morning. The four classes competed for the trophies and medals through a number of different races, including: a 25m sprint; a relay race; welly throwing; a balloon race and an obstacle course. Even though it rained, we had a lot of fun and the children should be extremely proud of their achievements!