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Welcome to Nursery!


Leigh Nursery is a 78 Place setting which consists of Morning, Afternoon and Full Time places.


We still have some places available! 


Come in and see us if your interested in you child starting with us!


We teach a broad and varied curriculum at Leigh with lots of time for independent play as well as Adult Focused activities and a daily Mathematics session as well as letters and sounds lesson


There are 5 members of staff working within the Nursery

Mr Robinson – Nursery Manager

Mrs Naheed – Keyworker

Miss Garnett – Keyworker

Mrs Akhtar/ Mrs Mullan (Job share) – Teaching assistants

Have a look through the Nursery Class page and see all the fun things we do!

smileyMr Robinson smiley

Week 5 

Last week nursery found hundreds of pebbles in the playground and discovered how to use them in their play. In relation to this, Week 5 focused on the children having the opportunity to talk to their parents about their pebble experience. For example; sharing pictures of pebble mosaics, discussing how paint could be used on pebbles and in construction. The children have thoroughly enjoyed using pebbles in their play and have creatively thought of exciting new ways to use pebbles in play.

Week 4

As the children arrived at nursery this week, they noticed that large amounts of pebbles had appeared. The children were curious to discover how the pebbles got to nursery. At first the children had explored the nursery to find footprints and then followed the prints leading to the pebbles. The children were asked a variety of questions about the pebbles. For example; How did the pebbles get to nursery? Where do you think they came from? Who brought the pebbles here? How may pebbles do you think are in the playground?

Pebbles were placed throughout the nursery and the children were encouraged to use them within their play and think of various ways the pebbles could be used. The children worked hard with Mrs Hussain to create cool stone mosaics using different sized pebbles.

Week 3

This week in nursery we have been exploring fish and their habitat. The children enjoyed walking to the local supermarket where they were shown different types of fish big and small. The children even got to handle the fish and purchase some for nursery.

After the trip to the supermarket, the adult led activity focused on exploring and describing the fish. The children worked with Mrs Hussain and were asked to explore the features of the fish and describe its texture, e.g. How did it feel and discuss where they may see fish.The children then worked with Mrs Akhtar to complete observational drawings of fish. The drawing of the fish was modelled beforehand and then the children were asked to complete their own sketch.

Nursery has really enjoyed exploring fish this week!

Week 2


This week the children have enjoyed a range of beach themed activties. The children took part in two adult led activities this week. They worked with Mrs Hussain to catch fish and count out an amount and then were given the task of identifying the numeral. the children then worked with Mrs Naheed to create stormy weather sounds using musical instruments, such as; maracas, drums and clappers. The children were given cardboard boxes to use as boats, in this role play activity. As Father's day is approaching. the children got creative with Mrs Mullan and made Father's Day cards using paint and toy cars.

Summer 2 - How Many Pebbles on a Beach?

This week the children have been introduced to a new topic 'How many pebbles on a beach'.The children have enjoyed engaging in beach themed activities. On Wednesday 7th June the children experienced a beach day, where they came into nursery in beach clothes and the nursery was filled with a variety of activities relating to this topic. The nurseries role play has been changed to a beach. The children enjoyed exploring the sand and using beach props in their play. On this fun filled day the children got to experience beach yoga, jelly fish making, popcorn and ice cream tasting, writing postcards and took part in a water fight. The children thoroughly enjoyed this exciting.

Culture Day

On Wednesday 24th May in nursery it was culture day, the chosen country for nursery to explore was Holland. The children viewed a powerpoint and learnt some interesting facts about Holland and its culture. The activities throughout the nursery were set up in relation to Holland and its key features. The children had the opportunity to make windmills with Mr Robinson and Miss Akhtar. The children enjoyed colouring in pictures of Tulips and Clogs, which are famous in Holland. In addition to this, the children had the chance to try some dutch pastries, which were very yummy. The children were then asked questions about the focus country and could talk about what they had been doing in nursery, which related to Holland.

Week 5 

This week in nursery we have been exploring repeated patterns. The children worked well with Mrs Naheed to make caterpillar repeated patterns using cotton reels. The children also enjoyed completed the independent activities in nursery. Such as, collaging caterpillars and creating caterpillar paper chains. The children then worked with Miss Garnett to complete a jigsaw of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They were encouraged to work as a team to complete the jigsaw. This term the children have been super busy and have worked very hard!


Happy Half Term!


Parent Workshop


On Thursday 18th May nursery held a numeracy parent workshop. The workshop entailed lots of activities surrounding numeracy. Each child and their parent took part in fun filled activities. There were a range of activities such as, fruit kebab counting, creating number fans, decorating numeral lollipops and counting out amounts and decorating biscuits. The children really enjoyed the activities with their parents.

Diversity Day - Wednesday 17th May 2017


Today we celebrated diversity day, the children came to school in their own clothes to promote diversity. The children learnt about diversity and how important it is to understand and respect each individual. The children attended a school assembly and met Tom, April and Hasan from the Dwarf Sports Association, who told us their stories of how they promote diversity through sport.


Week 4 – The very hungry caterpillar

The focus for this week in nursery is ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The children enjoyed reading the story. In relation to this, the children worked with Mrs Naheed and Miss Garnett to sequence and retell the story. Throughout the nursery the children took part in caterpillar themed activities and also explored our very own class caterpillars. The children then worked with Mrs Akhtar to complete a hungry caterpillar board game, they were learning how to take turns with each other. We have really enjoyed learning about the hungry caterpillar.

Global Goals!  - Unicef

Nursery have been learning about the Global Goals today, we explored different scenarios around the topic such as….

 Is it fair for some people to have lots of things in their houses and others nothing?

Which water would you like to play with and drink? How some people only have access to dirty water.

We also talked about gender discrimination and how anybody can be anything they want to!

We raised over £75 for the charity!

Well done Nursery!

Week 3 – Snails

The focus minibeast for this week in nursery is snails. The children have learnt about snails and explored their features. The children got the chance to hold a snail as they worked with Mrs Naheed. They were encouraged to use sentences when describing the features and texture of the snail. Also as we have been exploring 3D shapes, such as cone, sphere, cylinder. The children got creative with Mrs Akhtar and made their very own 3D snail. This helped the children to identify shapes and explore how to use a stapler. In relation to the theme of snails, the children worked with Miss Garnett to make spiral snails. This focused on strengthening their fine motor skills and encouraging the children to be creative when decorating their snail.

Week 2 - Minibeasts

This week in nursery we explored lots of different minibeast and had the chance to meet a range of minibeasts with the visit from the Minibeast roadshow. The children worked hard with Mrs Akhtar to explore their photo's from the minibeast visit and were encouraged to discuss the different types of minibeasts they had seen. In relation to this, the children worked hard with Mrs Naheed to write about minibeasts. Throughout the nursery activities relating to minibeasts were set out, the children particularly enjoyed going on a minibeast hunt using magnifying glasses to identify insects.

Week 2 - Minibeast Roadshow visit

On Tuesday 2nd May we had a visit from the Minibeast Roadshow. Paul and Lesley introduce the nursery to a range of minibeast and the children got the chance to hold certain insects and explore their habitat. Minibeast such as, butterflies, snakes, giant land snails, bearded dragons, tarantulas and many more.

The children really enjoyed learning about different types of minibeasts. They also learnt some interesting facts about the minibeasts and what they like to eat.


Week 1 - Minibeasts

This term in nursery we are focusing on Minibeasts. The children have enjoyed learning about different types of minibeasts and where they live.  This week the children have explored a range of activities relating to the topic, they have been sorting minibeasts into catergories with Mr Robinson and completing observational drawings of spiders with Mrs Akhtar. Also, our role play has been transformed from a hairdressers to a minibeast garden. The children enjoyed working with Mrs Naheed in the role play. They were given an insight into 'What is a garden' and the chance to play and explore the minibeasts in our new garden.

Happy Half Term See You In Summer 1!

                                                                                   Week 6 
This week in nursery we have concluded our topic people who help us and had a class discussion about all the different types of people who help us. The children work hard with Mr Robinson, as they made repeated pattern Easter cards. Getting ready for Easter the children enjoyed making chocolate nests with Mrs Akhtar. In relation to this, the children took part in creating and writing Easter cards to take home.
Happy Easter from Nursery!

Week 5
This week in nursery we have been looking at Doctors and how they help us. We have enjoyed lots of fun activities relating to this theme. The children had a go at writing a list with Mrs Naheed, they thought about what type of equipment a doctor has in their bag. The children then worked with Mr Robinson to measure their heartbeat using stethoscopes. Also the children enjoyed a capacity activity with Mrs Akthar, as they had a go at measuring full, half full and empty into syringe. On Wednesday we had a visit from a Doctor who explained how he helps us and let us try and play with the hospital equipment.

Our trip to Ward End Fire Station


On Thursday 23rd of March we took a trip to our local fire station, the children were welcomed by the firefighters and were taken into the fire station. We learnt all about the fire engine and its use, we even got to sit in the fire engine and try on helmets. The firefighters talked about how they tackle fires and how important it is to be safe when dealing with a fire. The firemen sounded the siren and put on the lights, so the children could get a sense of what happens when the fireman have to attend to a fire call. After having lots of fun in the fire engine, the children were taken outside and were shown the hose the firefighters use and were each given a go. The children had thoroughly enjoyed their time at the fire station!

Mother's Day Workshop - Wednesday 22nd March 2017


On Wednesday 22nd March we invited all the children's mummies to take part in a mothers day workshop. The children and their mummies took part in a range of exciting activities, such as; Barfi making with Mrs Akhtar, flowercup decorating with Mrs Garnett, Friendship bracelet making with Mrs Mullan, fridge magnet decorating with Mr Robinson and clay pot making with Mrs Naheed. The children and their mummies even enjoyed a cup of tea and a piece of cake. It was a very busy but successful day in nursery, we hope all the mummies and children enjoyed their day! :)



Week 4 - People who help us


This week the children have been learning lots about firemen and how they help us. The nursery has been filed with lots of fun activities relating to this topic. The children worked hard with Mrs Naheed and Miss Garnett to draw either a fire engine or a firefighter using charcoal pens. They were encouraged to discuss the role of a firefighter and look at key features of a fire engine. In the nursery the small world area was set up with role play firefighter costumes, they children really enjoyed dressing up and using the props in their play. 

Week 3 - People who help us 


This week the children have explored a range of people who help us and have been working very hard with Mr Robinson to write sentences about their duties. The children have been enjoying dressing up as firemen, doctors and builders. A range of activities have taken place this week throughout the nursery relating to the theme 'People who help us'. As Mothers Day is around the corner the children have been talking about why they love their mummy's and have been writing card inserts with Mrs Naheed. In regards to this, the children have been planting bulbs with Mrs Mullan ready to give their mummies for the nurseries mothers day workshop on the 22nd March 2017. Furthermore, the children have been getting creative with Mrs Akhtar, as they have lovely hand print mothers day cards. 

Week 2 - People who help us


This week in nursery we have looked at a range of people who help us, such as, doctors, teachers, firemen and builders. The children have enjoyed engaging in activities around this theme. Working hard with Mrs Naheed the children completed a numeracy activity using an amount of parcels to measure their height. Also the children worked with Miss Garnett on the interactive whiteboard. The children were asked to name and identify a range of people who help us. In regards to this theme, the children used a paint programme with Mr Robinson to draw vehicles of people who help us, on the computer.



Thursday 2nd March 2017 - World Book Day


Today the children with their parents took a visit to Ward End Library, in aid of world book day the children enjoyed a story and a puppet show of 'Little Red Riding Hood' performed by the staff at the library. The children and their parents were informed of the purpose of a library card and all of the facilities available at the library. The children were then given the chance to choose  a story to read with their parents and borrow books from the library using their library cards. 



Spring 2 - People who help us!


The focus for this half term is 'People who help us' the children have been learning about all the different types of people who help us, for example; doctors, Postmen/Post ladies,nurses, teachers, dentist, hairdressers and many more. The children have engaged in activities based on 'Post office'. The children enjoyed working with Mrs Naheed in the role play, as it is set out as a hairdressers. So the children pretended to take on the role of a hairdresser. Also the children worked hard with Mr Robinson writing letters for their parents which they then were going to post. The children then took an exciting walk to the local post box and were able to post their letters. The children spoke about the duty of a postman and what they saw on their way to the postbox.

Spring 1 - Nursery Rhymes


Week 6 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


This week the focus in nursery has been Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, the children have enjoyed singing the nursery rhyme and taking part in activities around the theme. A star shape focus activity with Miss Garnett enabled the children to create their own star and diamond shapes using triangles. The children identified the shapes and looked at the properties. Children independently drew stars and spoke about times they have seen stars. Throughout the week, the children worked with Mrs Akhtar to create a star shaker using colored water and plastic bottles. The children sang the nursery rhyme and was given the task of identify capacity; Full, Half Full and Empty. The children have made some excellent star shakers using lots of glitter!

Life Caravan - Caring for My Body


On Monday the children visited the Life Caravan, they learnt about particular parts of the body and their functions. For example; heart, lungs, brain and how important it is to look after our bodies. Also, the children explored how we need food, drink, air and exercise everyday to keep us healthy. The children then took part in some exercise activities and met Harold the giraffe, the children then showed Harold how to keep himself clean and talked to him about keeping healthy. The children then sang the nursery rhyme of the week which is 'Twinkle Twinkle' and had a sleep under the stars in the Life Caravan. 



Chinese New Year!


On Wednesday 1st February the children enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year. The children were read a story about Chinese New year and its relevance. They enjoyed watching a clip of celebrations and activities that happen on this special day.A range of activities took place throughout the nursery surrounding this theme. The children enjoyed working with Mr Robinson making and tasting Chinese noodles, they also created a Chinese lantern with Mrs Naheed, wrote Happy New Year cards with Mrs Akhtar and then created a dancing dragon with Miss Garnett. We had such a fun  day, well done everyone! :) 

Week 5 - Incy Wincy Spider


This week we have focused on Incy Wincy Spider. The children have enjoyed singing the nursery rhyme daily and taking part in activities themed around the rhyme. The children worked creatively this week with Mrs Naheed to make their own spider using different art materials, such as, pipe cleaners, paper plates, paint and pom poms. The week prior to this the children were given a homework task to make their own spider with parents/ guardians at home. We have received lots of lovely spiders back this week, which are now hanging up in our nursery, well done everyone. One of the focuses this week was to work with Mr Robinson and make a spider using shaving foam. The children really enjoyed playing in the foam and creating their own spider.
Also, throughout the week children have explored a numeracy sorting bug adult led. The children have been working very hard with Mrs Akhtar to count out an amount and separate them in different ways onto a spider web. 


Wednesday 25th January - Charity Day 


Today we celebrated charity day in nursery, the nursery children have worked very hard in preparation for charity day. They helped decorate biscuits with Mrs Mullan, helped to make rice krispy cakes with Mrs Naheed and decorate cakes with Mr Robinson and Miss Garnett. In nursery we had a cake sale where we sold all of our biscuits and cakes to parents and children from the school, all the money that has been raised is going to the Birmingham's Children Hospital. On charity day there were a range of fun activities for the children to take part in. Mr Robinson did face painting and we had a range of characters in nursery for the day, Mrs Akhtar did Mendhi for the children, Mrs Naheed applied fun temporary tattoos for the children and Miss Garnett painted nails for the day. Prior to this the children were given a charity box to take home, they had a task to see who could fill the box and the person who raises the most money will receive a prize. We have had so many boxes back, well done everyone! The winner will be revealed soon.  Well done to everyone in nursery and a big thank you to those who have donated and who bought cakes and biscuits! :)


Week 4 - Baa Baa Black Sheep


The nursery rhyme focus for this week was Baa Baa Black Sheep. The children enjoyed being creative with Mrs Naheed and making their very own sheep using hand prints, wool and string. The children enjoyed observational drawings of toy sheep and activities related to the theme. The children also completed a numeracy activity with Mrs Akhtar which focused on ordering numeral sacks.

Week 3 - Hickory Dickory Dock


The focus for this week has been Hickory Dickory Dock. The children took part in a range of activities relating to the theme. Mr Robinson gave the children a task of ordering the sequence of the rhyme, using the interactive whiteboard. Another focus activity was to make a junk model clock with Mrs Akhtar. The children enjoyed being creative with their clocks and spoke about why we use clocks on a daily basis.


Parents please do not forget to make an appointment for parents evening on the following days; Thursday 26th January and Thursday 2nd of February!

Week 2 - Hey diddle diddle


The nursery rhyme focus for this week has been 'Hey Diddle Diddle". The children have engaged in activities themed around the nursery rhyme. A painting focus with Miss Garnett enabled the children to talk about the nursery rhyme and paint their favorite character. The children also took part in a fine motor activity with Mrs Akhtar, which focused on cutting round the characters from the nursery rhyme. Also, the children worked hard with Mr Robinson on the Interactive Whiteboard matching characters from the nursery rhyme. The children really enjoyed learning the nursery rhyme 'Hey diddle diddle' and were confident to sing independently. 

Week 1 - Miss Polly had a dolly

This term in nursery we are looking at 'Nursery Rhymes'. This week we focused on the nursery rhyme 'Miss Polly had a Dolly'. The nursery's role play was changed into a doctors surgery to compliment our theme. The children took part in a range of focus activities relating to the nursery rhyme, including, role playing a character from the nursery rhyme, where the children enjoyed either being the doctor, nurse or patient. The children then worked with Mr Robinson completing a positional language focus activity. 



Week 7 – Christmas

This week in nursery we have continued with Christmas activities. The children have enjoyed a Christmas party and taken part in the schools very own Winter Wonderland. Sharing experiences, such as; playing in snow and toasting marshmallows with peers. Nursery would like to wish you a Merry Christmas!

Nursery Puppet Show

Today the nursery children experienced a puppet show. They watched the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, they enjoyed listening to the story and taking part. The children enjoyed watching tricks performed by Clive, such as; Juggling and Plate spinning.

Week 6 – Christmas

This week in nursery we have continued with Christmas festivities. We have worked hard creating Christmas calendars, making Christmas hats and playing in our very own winter wonderland. The children visited Father Christmas in his grotto and they all received a lovely present. 

Week 5 – Christmas

This week in nursery we have been getting into the Christmas spirit. The children have listened to the story ‘The First Christmas’ and have learnt why Christians celebrate Christmas. The children have also taken part in Christmas themed activities, such as, Christmas card writing activity with Mrs Naheed, snowmen shape collage with Mr Robinson and reindeer printing with Mrs Mullan.


Week 4 – Birthday Parties

This week in nursery our focus has been birthday parties. The children have enjoyed

taking part in a variety of activities such as; writing party invitations, role playing a birthday party and counting out candles on a play dough cake.

Week 3 – Islam

This week in nursery we have explored the religion Islam. The children have taken part in a range of activities, such as, using the computer to make a mosque picture, listening to stories of Islam and visiting the local mosque ‘Masjid Ali’. 

Reminder for Parents!

Just a quick reminder that Nursery will be getting changed for PE starting from Wednesday 9th November! Thank you to all the parents that have brought the P.E kits in! The Nursery PE Kit consists of:

  • White Polo’s
  • Grey/ Black/ Red Jogging bottoms

No pumps yet! Keep letting your children practice changing and unchanging themselves at home

Nursery Team J

Autumn 2 (Festivals and Celebrations)


This half term Nursery's topic is festivals and celebrations each week we will be looking at a different type of religious festival or a celebration that happens within England.

Week 1 – we looked at the Celebration ‘Bonfire night’ which some people in the UK celebrate. We made fire work pictures using a range of materials such as paint, chalk, coloring crayons and pens. We also worked with Mrs Akhtar making yummy chocolate apples!

Week 2  - We have explored the Hindu festival Diwali, we read the story of Rama and Sita and had a go at making our own Diva lamps using clay, we wrote the Diwali story with Mr Robinson and made rangoli patterns using powder paint. Check out the website 


and look how some Hindu Children celebrate Diwali


Week 3 -  We will be visiting Masjid Ali Mosque on Aston church road keep a look out for the photos to follow!  


Friendship day

As part of the schools Friendship day, Nursery spoke what it was to be a good friend and how we all look after and care for each other in Nursery. We worked with Miss Garnett making friendship bracelets and drew pictures of our friend.

Autumn 1

(Me and My Nursery)


This half term we have been focusing on settling the children into school, (for some of us it’s the first setting we have ever attended!)


We have taken part in lots of activities all about school life and the Nursery Setting! We’re now moving on to talk about ‘ourselves’ and ‘our families’ ever family is different and welcome at Leigh Primary so we are celebrating different backgrounds cultures and the different people we live with!


Check out the photos below to see how well we’ve got on in our first few weeks at school! Don’t forget to keep an eye on the schools twitter page! Nursery is sure to post every week!


Nursery Team smiley

Parents Work Shop

At the end of this half term we ran a parents fine motor workshop on this days lots of the parents and guardians of the children who attend the nursery came in to work with their children on a range of fine motor activities such as cutting, threading, using knives to spread and painting we had lots of fun! Thank you to all the parents that attended!  


Black History Day

We read the story of ‘Amazing Grace’ in Nursery today as part of our black history day celebration. We made our own pantomime masks and spoke about how we are all able to achieve whatever we want to in nursery regardless of colour, race or sex! There is No Outsiders in our Nursery!
