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Welcome to Nursery!


We are a 78 place Nursery which is made up of:




and Full time places


We are accepting the funded Full time places and have Paid full time places available.


The Staff who work in nursery are...


Mr Robinson - Nursery Manager 

Miss Garnett - Key Worker

Mrs Perveen - Key Worker 



We still have a few places still available please come and speak to a member of the staff if you are interested in enrolling, and look below at all the lovely things we do here at Leigh Nursery


smileyMr Robinsonsmiley


Our first week in nursery!


The new nursery children have spent the first two school weeks settling in well. They have taken part in lots of fun filled activities to help them settle into their new learning environment. They have engaged in a range of activities such as threading bobbins, completing jigsaw puzzles, painting, water play and exploring the nurseries forest school. The children then worked with Miss Garnett to complete a physical activity of throwing and catching. The children were asked to show their skills and techniques when it comes to throwing, catching and kicking a ball. Also, a fine motor activity took place, the children worked hard with Mr Robinson to have a go at writing their name.  The children then took part in a numeracy activity with Mrs Parveen, where the children explored and identified shapes and had a go at creating a shape face.

Why do you love me so much?



This week the children have been introduced to the new nursery topic  'Why do you love me so much?'. The children have been talking about themselves and their families and why they love them so much. Throughout the nursery the activities have completed the theme. The children worked with Mr Robinson at the art table, the children were required to use the mirror to look at themselves and explore their face. They were then asked to identify facial parts and then have a go at painting themselves. The children shown great understanding of this activity and have created some lovely photo's. Also ,the children have been learning the nursery rhyme 5 little ducks in their family groups. The children then worked with Miss Garnett to have a go at counting five little ducks and understanding what happens when one is taken away.

Safety Day!


Today the children took part in a safety awareness day. Mr Robinson introduced to the children the importance of being safe when crossing the road with our mummies and daddies. In relation to this, the children had fun playing in the nursery play ground using the zebra crossing, traffic lights and stop signs. They were demonstrated how to cross the road safely and what action needs to be taken when crossing the road. Also, the children explored the importance of being safe when playing on a computer, tablet or ipad.

 'Why do you love me so much'

This week in nursery we focused on the engage part of our cornerstones topic ' why do you love me so much'. The children were able to talk about who is in their family. In relation to this, the children completed an adult led activity; 'I can talk about my family members'. The children were asked to bring in a family photo and talk about who is in their family. The children took part in an engaging session in nursery as they had a visit from a baby. The children were given the opportunity to ask questions about the baby. Mrs Akhtar spoke about how she cares for her baby and why she loves her baby.  Furthermore, throughout the nursery week the children have completed a writing activity with Mrs Perveen, the children explored their nursery picture and made marks as annotation. 


Maths Day - 6.10.2017

Nursery has taken part in maths day today; we completed a range of activities looking at shapes and numbers. This was my favourite activity!

The Lost Teddy

As a part of our 'Innovate' section of cornerstones the children were introduced to 'The Lost Teddy'. They understood he was discovered on the way to nursery. The children had a go at describing his appearance, as he is muddy and ripped. The children had the chance to observe the teddy and were asked what they think the teddy needs to feel better and how they can look after him.


1. What do you think the happened to the teddy?

The children expressed their concern for the teddy and thought the teddy had been dropped in the road or at the park.


2. What do you think the teddy needs to get better?

The children voiced that the teddy needs a wash, a hug or some food.


3. What can we do to help care for the teddy?

The children shared that the teddy needs a bath and maybe some plasters because he is hurt.


4. How can we make sure teddy gets home to the people who love him?

The children suggested asking him where he lives.




WK Beginning 9.10.17

This week nursery have been focusing on measuring, the children have looked at the concepts of 'Big, Medium, Small, Tall and Short'. Mrs Perveen introduced the children to a measuring activity, which required the children to measure themselves in height with parcel boxes. The children then counted how many boxes tall they were. Furthermore, the children then worked with Miss Garnett on the interactive whiteboard. The children were asked to identify body parts and match them to the correct position. Throughout the nursery, the children have enjoyed taking part in a range of activities such as, writing, exploring the small world area, numicon printing and many more fun activities.

Week Beginning 19.10.13

This week in nursery the focus has been centered around child initiated play with regards to the lost teddy. The children had the opportunity to take part in a range of activities. The children enjoyed working with their peers to wash the teddy, care for the teddy using doctor play equipment and discuss how the teddy feels. The children then used the construction in their play to build the teddy a house and used giant bricks to create a bed for the teddy. This term the children have really enjoyed talking about the lost teddy. 


Have a lovely half term everyone, from Nursery!!

Why do leaves go crispy?


The topic for this term in nursery is 'Why do leaves go crispy'. The children have explored the role play this week as it has changed into a woodland area. The children enjoyed crunching leaves, digging in soil and pegging leaves onto a washing line.  With regards to this, the children then  engaged in a pumpkin themed activity, which required the children to take quantity away from a larger group. Hammers were used to put pegs into the pumpkin and match the correct Numicon. Also, in nursery this week the children have read the story 'The Stickman'. In relation to this the children got creative with Miss Garnett and designed their own stickman using a variety of resources such as, feathers, sprinkles and googly eyes. What a fun week we have had!

Why do leaves go crispy?  6.11.17 (wb)


This week in nursery the children have been exploring why leaves go crispy. In relation to this, the children have explored sizes/lengths of leaves, they have been able to order leaves as; big,medium and small or long, medium and short. Furthermore, the children then took part in an adult led activity of ordering sticks and measuring them with cubes. The children worked hard to identify long, medium and short sticks. Also with regards to our current topic, the children spoke about why leaves change colour, as they worked with Mrs Perveen the children examined what happens to leaves when they are placed into the microwave. 


"Its hot" - Yasmine 

"Its gone crispy" - Zahid

"Its gone brown" - Salahudeen

"It fell down from the trees" - Jannat


In family group this week the children had a go at ordering objects that were Long, Medium and Short! 

Why do leaves go crispy? 13.11.17

In relation to our Autumn topic, the children have worked with Mr Robinson to create autumn pictures using paint spa on the computer. Cooking also happened in nursery this week, the children worked with Mrs Perveen and had a go at making lovely pumpkin biscuits. The children were shown how to add in the ingredients and each had a go at making their own biscuit. As there has been lots of leaves round the nursery, an activity based on leaf blotting took place. The children were encouraged to discuss leaves and their colours. The children were then given food colouring and pipettes and were asked to apply different colours to their paper leaf. The children were asked to discuss what  colours they can identify and what has happened to the colours. 

Why do leaves go crispy?

This week the children have been reading the story Ferdie and the Falling Leaves. The children have worked with Mrs Perveen to sequence the story and discuss what happens in the story. In relation to this, the children children worked with Mr Robinson to write about the story and to draw a picture of Ferdie. The children have enjoyed reading this story and have spoke beautifully about the story.


Zahid: "Ferdie was sad because leaves fall down".


Jannat: "The leaves go on the floor"


Ruqayyah: "He Tried to put them back on"



Furthermore, the children also worked with Miss Garnett to identify numerals and match an amount of conkers to the correct number using numicon pieces.

Why do leaves go crispy?


This week the children have read the story Leafman, they enjoyed listening to the story and discussing the key parts. In relation to the story, the children worked with Miss Garnett to create their own leaf art using natural resources such as; leaves, pine cones, conkers, maple seeds and pumpkin seeds. The children got creative and re-created some of the characters from the story.


This week the children received a letter from Ferdie (from the story Ferdie and the Falling leaves). He was requesting the help of the children as he needs them to help make a house. 

The children worked with Mr Robinson and recapped the story of ferdie and the falling leaves. They then were given the task of creating a house for Ferdie using a range of resources. The children enjoyed being super creative this week!


WK Beginning 4.12.17

This week the children have begun to write their Christmas card inserts. They have been working with Miss Garnett and discussed who they wanted to write card for. In relation to this, the children have got creative with Mrs Kauser and have completed reindeer hand prints for the front of the card. The children are enjoying getting creative and into the Christmas spirit. 




Spring 1 - Are Eggs Alive?

This week the children have been introduced to our exciting new topic 'Are Eggs Alive?'. The children arrived at  nursery to find an incubator had been delivered and inside were some eggs!.  As a part of our cornerstones topic, this section covers the 'Engage' part, where the children are introduced to a memorable experience. Therefore, the children have been engaged in discussion regarding the eggs. Such as, 'What may be inside the eggs'.


"The eggs are going to hatch" - Zahid

"Chicken come out of the egg" - Nayab

"Eggs you cook them in the pan" - Musa W


The children have came back to an exciting transformation, our role play has changed! It has changed from a park setting to a farmyard. The children worked with Miss Garnett to explore the role play. The children were super excited to explore the new setting. The children were able to identify the change that had happened. They enjoyed playing in a group together to explore the farm.


"Its now a farm" - Ruqayyah 

"I see a pig, ducks, cow" - Isha

"The farmer lives there, he looks after the sheeps"- Nayab

"Look there's an egg" - Umar




The children then worked with Mr Robinson on an adult led focused around communication and language. The children were gathered around the incubator and were asked to look at what they could see and talk to their partner about what may be inside the eggs and what has happened now the eggs have cracked. The children enjoyed talking about the eggs and seeing them hatch!! 


This weeks home work - The children were given a polystyrene egg to take home, they were to decorate the egg how they wanted and to use a variety of creative materials.





Are Eggs Alive?



This week the children have been discussing what do chicks need to stay alive and what do we need to stay alive. The children were able to talk about the key needs of the chicks and ourselves to stay alive.


"We need a house" - Musa

 "The chicks need food" "We need to eat food and water" - Zahid

 "We need clothes" - Jannat

"They sleep on a bed" - Sahil


The children then took part in a cooking activity with Mrs Perveen. The children were shown how we boil and egg and were encouraged to talk about what happens to the egg. The children then were given the opportunity to crack the egg, peel the shell and taste the boiled egg.


"This egg is runny. This hard. My Mummy cracks it" - Lamaisah

The eggs are soft. This one is not cooked. My Mum cuts it and I eat it" - Ayaan B

"I eat eggs, I eat my egg in toast. It gone hard not squidy" - Yasmine

"My Mummy cracks it and puts it on a pan. She puts it on the fire. Its white, hard" - Nashaad



Last week the children saw the eggs begin to hatch, now the chicks have grown and are more alert the children were given the chance to hold them. They worked with Mr Robinson and were shown how to carefully hold the chick and to carry it back to its incubator. The children were encouraged to talk about how the chick felt and its appearance.


"The chick be small" - Umar

"The chick is fluffy and yellow"  - Ayaan F

"The chick is a baby" - Ruqayyah I

"I see the chick, look there is lots" - Jannat



The children then took part in a numeracy adult led with Miss Garnett. The focus of the activity was on 'one less'. The children used rubber chicks in their activity, they counted the chicks and were encouraged to take one away and discuss what happens when one is taken away. 








Are Eggs Alive?



 This week the children have taken part in a writing activity with Mr Robinson 'I can write about the chicks'. The children looked at a photo of them holding a chick and were discussing the features of the chick and were asked to think of a sentence to write.


Following on from this, the children worked with Miss Garnett to use magnifying glasses to identify different types of feathers and to talk about their features and differences.


Zahid : "This one is blue, this one is orange, they are different"

Jannat: "This one has got spots on"

Mustafa: "Feels softy"

Halima: "Tickles, Pink feather"



The children were excited to get creative with Mrs Perveen. The children were asked to discuss how the chick looks and what materials could we use to create a chick. The children worked hard in the art area and created lots of lovely chicks!!


Alongside this, the children enjoyed playing out in the nursery garden, they enjoyed showing different ways of balancing using the stepping stones and beanbags. The children were pretending to be pirates balancing on a plank and they had to balance and bend down to collect the treasure (beanbag).





Are Eggs Alive?



This week in nursery the children have explored further into the topic 'Are Eggs Alive'. They worked with Mr Robinson to plant seeds and discuss what happens to the seeds. Then the children were asked to identify full, half full and empty with their plant pots. The children enjoyed manipulating the soil,planting seeds and watering them. 


The children were then introduced to the charity they are supporting, Birmingham Children's Hospital. The children sat and looked at their website and understood their aims. The children watched a video to learn about the charity and how our fundraising can help poorly children.


In preparation for our charity day, the children enjoyed making pop corn with Mr Robinson, Mrs Perveen and Miss Garnett. They were making pop corn to sell to help raise money for Birmingham Children's Hospital. The children enjoyed discovering how popcorn is made and bagging it up. They then worked with Miss Garnett to decorate the popcorn bags ready for the sale.


Throughout the week the children enjoyed exploring nurseries activities, the children enjoyed using numicon independently. They were able to numicon piece to the amount of diamonds, then attempt to represent the numeral on their fingers. Some of the nursery children explored our reading area and enjoyed sharing a book with their friend.






Charity Day - 01.02.2018

Today was charity day in nursery, the children took part in a range of activities, such as face painting, nail painting, temporary tatoos and mendhi. The children enjoyed exploring each of these activities and had a super fun day. At the start of the month the children were given charity boxes to take home and raise money for BCH. The children have now bought all their boxes back and the counting process now begins, to see how much we have raised!


Are Eggs Alive?


This week nursery was introduced to the story 'Dora's Eggs'. The children enjoyed reading the story and talking about the key events in the story. The word of the week for this week is : Miserable, the children were able to define the meaning as it was featured in the story Dora's eggs.


"Dora was miserable because no one see her eggs" - Zahid

"She sad" - Fahad

" She not happy, she sad" - Yasmine

"Dora feels sad because everyone busy"

"Everyone too busy to see eggs" - Sahil


Relating to the story the children worked hard at drawing a picture of Dora. The children were able to speak about the story and describe what they had drawn. They used the chalks to sketch a lovely picture of Dora. 


Also this week the children have focused on sharing out an amount within their family group. They have explored a variety of ways of sharing out items. The children used this skill to work with Mrs Perveen. The children were asked to share out 6 eggs and show how they have shared them out in different ways.

Innovate - 08.02.2018

Today the children took part in the innovate section of their cornerstones topic 'Are Eggs Alive'. The children spoke about the story and were asked to think about where have Dora's Eggs disappeared to. The children then spoke about what could keep the eggs safe. They were given a task of creating their own egg baskets which they would later use for an egg hunt. The children enjoyed getting creative and using a range of resources such as glue, cellotape, glitter, paint, boxes, paper, ribbons etc, to make their baskets. Once the baskets were made the children went into the eco garden and went on an egg hunt. They used their baskets to collect eggs they had found.


The children thoroughly enjoyed today's activity and made some lovely egg baskets!!





Are Eggs Alive?


This week the children explored the beans they had planted. The children worked with Miss Garnett to examine what had happened to their beans and discussed how they had changed. 


"The beans needs water" "Its got bigger" "its changed into a tree" - Ayaan Bashir

"The plant grow" "Put water on it" "I used the spray" "It got bigger" - Khadeeja N

"Put mud in" "water go there" "big" - Fahad





As we are at the end of our topic 'Are Eggs Alive' we invited the parents in to share what we had done this term. The children looked at their work with their parents and discussed how they took part in making an egg basket. The children enjoyed sharing their experience with their parents. Thank you to all the parents who came!

How does that building stay up?


Nursery were introduced to their new topic for this term. The children are now focusing on buildings. The children took part in a class discussion and spoke about 'What is a building' and identified different building they had seen. Zahid: "A house" Mus: "A mosque" Ruqayyah: "School, big school" Umar: "Church" Ayyub: "hospital".


At the beginning of the week the children took part in a role play focused activity. They were given the opportunity to explore their new role play. The children were so excited to discovered their new role play. The children were encouraged to explore the building site role play, discuss how the role play had change and to play with peers.


Ayaan F: "Its a building site now, not a farm" 

Mustafa: "Im a builder, build house"

Sahil: "Bob the builder, fix it yes you can".


In addition to this the children worked with Mr Robinson to create Mothers' Day cards in preparation for the 11th March. Relating to this, the children enjoyed writing cards to their Mummies with Mrs Perveen.



Also, nursery had a visit from the librarian at Ward End Library in preparation for a our trip on Thursday 1st March (World Book Day). Toni came into nursery and spoke to the nursery parents about the local library and how accessing it can benefit both parents and children. The children and parents were able to complete forms ready for Thursday where they can use their library cards.



Thursday 1st March 2018 - World Book Day!

Today all the children in nursery visited Ward End Library with their parents. They came to celebrate world book day. The children had three stories read to them by the librarian. The children were then given their library cards, which meant they could go and choose books and take them out. Nursery had a lovely time and the Library and enjoyed sharing books with their parents!


Remember reading is fun and can also be done at home!

How does that building stay up?


This week the children have been introduced to the story 'Three Little Pigs'. The children enjoyed reading the story and discussed the different types of materials used to create houses.


In relation to this, the children worked with Miss Garnett to build houses for the three little pigs. They were able to discuss the texture of the material used and to identify which material is best to use when building a house.


Ali: "Bricks are strong they don't fall down"


Jannat: "The straw feels soft"


Isha: "The piggys make their own houses" "they use bricks, straw and sticks".



In family group this week the children have explored shapes. The children  have taken part in identifying shapes and using different shapes to create a houses. With regards to this, the children worked with Mr Robinson to create a shape house. the children enjoyed exploring the different shapes and using them to make a house.





How does that building stay up?

This week in nursery the children have continued to explore buildings and how they stay up. The children worked with Mrs Perveen to discuss buildings and how they are different. They looked at buildings such as, houses, flats, churches, mosques.


This week nursery have discovered something amazing, they have found a fairy house! The children were super excited to explore the nursery and find the fairy house. The children gathered round the house and took part in a class discussion with regards to whom may be inside the house. Here is what some of the children said.....


Jannat: "It might be a small family"

Subhan: "It could be a mouse"

Ayaan F : "Fairies give you coin when  your teeth fall out"

Umar: "Fairies are magical"

Zahid: "They be small"





Balanceability Bikes!


Nursery had fun today on the balance bikes. The children listened carefully to Miss Garnett as they were shown the bikes and listened to how important it is to be safe when using our balance bikes. 



The children were shown how to correctly hold a bike, walk with their bike and have a go at balancing upon the bike!




How does that building stay up?


This week in nursery the children have enjoyed designing houses for the fairies. The children worked with Miss Garnett to design a house for the fairies, they enjoyed talking about their design and using lots of different colours.

In regards to this, the children made a list with Mr Robinson. They thought about all the different types of materials they would need to make a house. The children then discussed the items and began to make a list.



Friday 23rd March 2018

Today was sports relief, the children enjoyed taking part in a variety of sport activities. They complete an assault course with a range of balancing and jumping activities. Nursery and Reception have worked hard to make popcorn to sell at home time, all money raised is going to sport relief.

Innovate - 21.03.2018


Today the children enjoyed creating fairy houses using all types of construction. The nursery was set out in a way where each table had different construction resources on for the children to access. The children then all had a go at moving around the nursery and creating a fairy house. The children enjoyed exploring the resources and were excited to make a house for the fairies.


'Why can't I have chocolate for breakfast'

This week the children were introduced to their new topic. The children talked about being healthy and what may happen if we decided to have chocolate for breakfast. The children enjoyed  class discussion, here are some of their answers....


"Your teeth with fall out if you eat too much chocolate" - Jannat

"You will get sick" - Zahid

"Because it's not healthy" - Sahil.


In family group this week the children were introduced to a variety of fruit. They had a go about describing the texture of the fruit, smelling the fruit and tasting the fruit. The children then went onto discuss with their peers which fruit they liked and disliked. The children enjoyed talking about the fruit and how it tasted.


"Pineapple is sour" " You need to have 5 a day to be healthy"- Sahil

"The orange is so sweet" - Khadeeja N

"The watermelon is juicy" - Zahid



Engage - Parent Workshop 20.04.2018
'Why can't I have chocolate for breakfast'


Today the children were visited by the school nurse who came to talk to us and our parents about the importance of being healthy. The nurse spoke about healthy diets and different types of food we can eat to help us maintain a healthy lifestyle. The nurse also spoke about exercise and how it is important to do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to keep fit.



After the nurses visit, the children and their parents took part in a workshop relating to their current topic. The children enjoyed completing a range of activities with their parents. Some of the activities included; making fruit kebab caterpillars, creating a picture out of the children's favorite fruit, making toast and using different types of toppings, making porridge and including different fruits in the porridge.


The children really enjoyed working hard with their parents!

Why can't I have chocolate for breakfast?

This week in nursery the children were introduced to the story Mr Wolf's Pancakes. The children enjoyed reading the story and discussing the key parts. Throughout the week the children completed a range of activities based around the story. The children enjoyed exploring the story with Mrs Perveen and had a go at sequencing the story. In regards to this, the children had a go at making a shopping list for Mr Wolf. The children talked about what ingredients are needed to make Pancakes and had a go at writing, egg, flour and milk with Mr Robinson. 


In family group this week the children have been counting out from  a larger group and have had a go at identifying numbers and matching the correct amount. Following on from this, the children have worked with Miss Garnett to complete a numeracy activity. The children worked with Miss Garnett to identify ingredients and its price. The children then used coins to match the quantity to the numeral.


The children have really enjoyed retelling the story of Mr Wolf's pancakes and are looking forward to making pancakes next weeks.

Why can't I have chocolate for breakfast?


This week the children continued reading the story of Mr Wolf's pancakes. In addition to this, the children visited the local supermarket to buy ingredients to make pancakes. The children were very excited to buy eggs, flour and milk. Once back at nursery the children then discussed what they had bought and how they are going to use the ingredients.


Following on from this, the children worked with Mr Robinson to create pancakes. The children worked hard to weigh out ingredients and discuss the method to make pancakes and discovered what happens when ingredients is heated.





Why can't I have chocolate for breakfast?



This week in nursery we have explored sandwiches. The children enjoyed discussing what we need to make a sandwich and what we could have on our sandwich. In relation to our topic, the children worked with Mrs Perveen to explore a sandwich and talk about how it tasted. Following on from this the children worked with Mr Robinson to make their own sandwiches using Butter, Jam and Marmalade. The children enjoyed creating their own sandwich and eating it!


Ruqayyah I: "It tastes sweet"


Jannat: "It feels soft"


Subhan: "I like Jam, I put Jam on".



In family group this week the focus has been 'Positional Language'. The children have took part in a range of activities relating to this. The children were introduced to the different positional language terms and were give an example of how to use positional language, i.e. 'Put the teddy under the box' 'Put the teddy on top of the box'.



Also this week the children enjoyed using the balance bikes. The children were given a task to show how they can walk with their bike and then run on the bike. In addition to this, the children then followed instruction and followed a track in the playground. Once they heard the colour 'GREEN' being said they knew they had to go, then 'RED' was shouted they knew they had to stop. We had so much fun on the bikes today!



Why can't I have chocolate for breakfast?


This week in nursery the children were introduced to the story of 'Love Monster and the Last Chocolate'. We really enjoyed this story and discussing the story as a class.


Zahid - 'He went on holiday and came back, and chocolates were at his door'


Musa: "He loves chocolate"


Jannat: "He wanted to share them"


Following on from this story the children had a fun morning of making their very own choco balls. They worked with Mr Robinson and Miss Garnett to create these. The children even got to create their own love heart chocolates. The children spoke about the changes to the chocolate. Once the chocolate had set the children were able to foil them up and get ready to give them to the Love Monster.



As the royal wedding is approaching, the children enjoyed preparing for the wedding party on Friday. They were excited to get creative. the children took part in; decorating bunting, crown making, puppet making and wedding cards. 

How many pebbles on a beach?


This week in nursery the children were introduced to their new topic. The children enjoyed discussing as a group what they might see at the beach. The children then spoke about different things they may see when visiting a beach.


"You might see seashells" - Zahid

"You need to wear sun cream" - Musa

"You can dig and make sand castles" Lamaisah


This week the children enjoyed creating Father's day cards with Mrs Perveen in preparation for Father's Day.With regards to this, the children then worked hard at writing their Father's Day card with Mr Robinson.





Beach day 07.06.2018


As part of our cornerstones topic 'how many pebbles on a beach" we had a beach themed day. The children came into nursery in their beach clothes ready for a fun filled day.  The children took part in a range of activities such as collaging fish, beach yoga, creating jellyfish and they even got to have an ice cream. But most of all the children took part in a water fight and had so much fun in the nursery garden, as they got to throw water balloons and use the hose pipe!

This week in Nursery....


This week in nursery we have been getting ready for Eid. The children have enjoyed creating Eid cards for their family using lots of different materials. They also worked hard with Miss Garnett to write their Eid cards.


In family group this week we have been learning about shapes. The children were able to identify shapes and colour each shape in a different colour. The children shown super listening skills and could follow instructions. 





Art Day - 13.06.2018

Today was art day in nursery, the children were introduced to the artist Piet Monderian. They explored his art work and had an attempt to make their very own pieces of art work, like Piet Monderian. 

How Many Pebble on a Beach?


This week the children explored the story book 'At the Seaside'. This story has no words but lots of pictures of the seaside, the children enjoyed discussing with their peers what they could see when they looked through the book. 


"I can see the beach" - Areesha

"I can see a mouse in a boat" - Ayaan F

"I can see a octopus swimming" Faizan



In relation to this story, the children enjoyed drawing their very own versions on the pictures from the book. The children looked carefully at what they could see and drew it. The children then added colour to their creative drawings!



Following our beach themed topic, the children worked with Mr Robinson to create their very own seaside tiles. They pressed plastic sea animals and shells into the clay, to see what design it created.



Eid Party! Thursday 21st June 2018


Today the children enjoyed a fun filled day celebrating Eid. The children had lots of fun playing party games, such as; Pass the parcel, muscial statues and musical bumps. We then went outside and had a disco with a bubble machine and yummy party food!



How many pebbles on a beach


This week in nursery the children have been continuing with their beach themed topic. With regards to this ,the children completed a fishing focus activity with Miss Garnett. The children were given a number and were asked to catch a set amount of fish in their net. They were then asked to find that numeral on their number card. The children also discovered what happens to the amount when one fish is taken away. Following on from our topic, the children have been working with Mrs Perveen to create sandcastles using different shapes. 




Sports Day 26.6.2018

This week in nursery........



Innovate Day - 02.07.2018


Today the children took part in an 'Innovate' session, they were surprised to find lots have pebbles had appeared in the nursery garden. The children then discussed how they might have got there. Follow on from this, the children then explored different coloured pebbles they had come across and were commenting on the size and shape of the pebbles. The children were then thinking of different ways they could sort them. In addition to this, the children then created their own pictures using pebbles.






Diversity Day - 03.07.2018


Today the children celebrated Diversity Day, the children came into school wearing brightly coloured clothes and learnt how we are all different. The children discussed the importance of being kind to others and how actions can impact others feelings. In relation to this, the children read the story  'Giraffes Can't Dance', the story was about a Giraffe who liked to dance but other animals where laughing at him. The children then discussed the story and how the giraffe may be feeling and what we could do to make him feel better. 




Change over day - 04.07.2018

Today the children visited their new reception class for the first time. The children had lots of fun exploring their new class room and meeting their new teachers. 




Hatton Country World - 05.07.2018

Today the children and their parents visited Hatton Country World as their end of year trip. The children were so excited to get onto the coach. As we arrived at Hatton we were greeted by a guide who explained all the rules and attractions at the site. then the children were able to go and play and explore.  


The children were able to visit the farm and feed the animals, the children were so excited to see the goats, pigs and sheep. Throughout the day the children enjoyed a tractor ride, playing on the bouncy castles and fun fair rides. So much fun was had at Hatton.







This week in nursery.....


In family group this week we have learnt how to match the quantity to the numeral. The children have worked hard using a variety on resources to represent the quantity. The children had the chance to choose their own resources to use, they were each given a number fan with a number on and had to figure out how many items they would need to match their given number.



Graduation - Friday 13th July

Today nursery invited the parents in to watch their graduation. The children enjoyed dressing up in gap and gowns and receiving their certificate from Miss Turner and Mr Robinson. 

