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Little Red Riding Hood

Our topic in Reception has been all about Traditional Stories.  We read the story of Little Red Riding Hood and really enjoyed it!  We had lots of activities around the book such as writing, drawing, story telling and acting out the story.  We really like being the characters in the story.  Can you guess who we are?  Have you read the story?

Queen Elizabeth II Day. We had lots of fun. We dressed up in our posh clothes and had lots of exciting activities to do!

Safety Day 2015

We learnt all about how to stay safe when crossing roads, safety at school and safety when using computers and we made a class charter.  We talked about the services which help to keep us safe and what to do if there was a fire.  Do you know what number to ring if there was a fire?  Who keeps us safe?

Drawing Day 2015

We all took part in a Reception Drawing Day.

We wore white tops so we could draw on our clothes.  There were lots and lots of different drawing activities which promoted fine and gross motor skills.

Come and look at the display of all our work in our classroom.  We all think drawing is fun!

Christmas Dinner and Christmas lunch.

We had fun eating, dancing and playing party games at our Christmas party.

Our trip to Ash End House Farm.

We had a brilliant day out at the farm. We got to meet and feed lots of animals. We acted out the Nativity Story, sang lots of Christmas songs and met Father Christmas. We enjoyed eating our lunch in a barn. At the end of the day we had chance to run around, climb and have more fun! The farm brought our topic of Celebrations to a close.

Chinese New Year 2016

To celebrate Chinese New Year we made Chinese noodles. We chopped up onions and peppers and cooked them in a wok with noodles and soy sauce. We used chopsticks to eat the noodles with. Some of us found this tricky so we used a fork instead! The noodles tasted yummy, lots of us asked for more!

Chinese Dragon Dancing

As part of our celebration for Chinese New Year we watched a Chinese Dragon dance and listened to the beat of the music.  Then in small groups we created our own dragon dance around the classroom.  

We moved our bodies in lots of directions to look like a real dragon.

Health Caravan 2016

The Health caravan visited our school. We went inside to learn all about our body and to find out how we can be healthy. We met Harold the Giraffe and he told us all about his visit to his grandparents house. We also found out about parts of our body that are on the inside.

Learning all about 3D shapes.

As part of our maths activities this week we have been making enclosures for different sized animals using 3D shapes.We chose an animal and then set to work to keep the animal safe by building it an enclosure. When we had finished it we drew a picture of our enclosure and then told our teacher all about it. When we talk about 3D shapes we need to remember to use the correct shape vocabulary such as, face, edge, curved, straight, long, short, point, corners. Can you find any 3D shapes at home? What are they called?

Our Lickey Hills trip

We had a fantastic time at the Lickey Hills. The coach took us to the Lickey Hills and it took quite a long time. There was lots of "Are we nearly there yet?" We spent the day exploring the forest, looking for lots of interesting natural objects. Then we played in the park and used up lots of energy climbing, running and swinging. We had a lovely picnic on the grass where we saw a cheeky bunny rabbit! But the highlight of the day was the MUD!!!! It was squelchy and oozy and so much fun! Some of us lost our wellies in the mud!

Euro 2016 Wales v England

Reception had a great time watching the football.  There was lots of cheering for England.  

Charity Day 2016 - NSPCC

To raise money for our charity we wore our own clothes and we brought our favourite teddy to school.  RB raised £48!


Class RB were the RED team and eager to win!

We took part in lots of races - egg and spoon, sack, bean bag, sprint and skipping.

Lots of our parents came to cheer us on, some of them even took part in a race!

We had sore throats because of all the cheering we did!

Eid Celebrations


We celebrated Eid at school by coming to school wearing our party clothes, having a special lunch and a party!  We played lots of party games and had yummy treats.



A visit to St Marks church in Washwood Heath

Mrs Alder showed us around St Marks church and told us all about what happens in a church. We talked about the features of a church and looked at lots of interesting things such as, a candle, an alter, a font, pews, statues and much more. Mrs Alder showed us how a vicar would perform a baptism on a baby and Alizah and Qalab pretended to get married!
