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RS enjoyed their visit to St Marks Church on the Warren Road.  We enjoyed looking at all the different features in the church and we learnt  about all the different events that can happen in a church e.g baptisms, wedding, funerals and Sunday Services as well.  It was a very enjoyable experience.


We celebrated Eid by wearing mendhi and coming into school wearing our own schools.  We had a special dinner and lots of party games and dancing. We had lots of fun.

 We are the champions! RS won the trophy for EYFS Sports Day.Thank you to Mrs Bull and Miss Edwards for organising it.

Reception's Charity Day

As part of our Charity day to raise  money for the RSPCA, we had a Teddy's Bears picnic. We came dressed up in our home clothes and we brought our teddy bears into school.  RS raised fifty three pounds for the charity.  It was a lovely sunny day and we had lots of fun.
RS's trip to Ash End Farm.
Ashe End Farm here we come.
We said hello to the goats.  They wanted food so we fed them oats.  
Then it was off to see the sheep and the lambs.  They wanted food too!  So we fed the sheep and the lambs.
We said hello to Rudophl, Dancer and Prancer, the Reindeers.  
We acted out the Nativity Story.
Finally we went to see Father Christmas.  It was so exciting to meet Father Christmas and receive a present a present from him.

We are RS.

Safety Day
As part of safety day, RS practised crossing the road safely using the zebra crossing.
Oh we must not forget to say hello the the chicks.

Tasting different fillings for tarts.

The children tasted different fillings for tarts. The most favourite was jam and the least favourite was marmite.

Sparks are flying in RS

We have been learning about Bonfire night.  We lit  sparklers to identify the sounds and smells they give off. 