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Spring 1

Year One were learning all about different materials linked to our topic Bright Lights Big City.  We looked at what type of metrials were used to build house.

Thursday 25th January 2018

No Outsiders/PSHE    Unicef articels 13, 15


Today in Year 1 we read Ten  Little Pirates from start to finish.  We acted out the story with ten children playing the pirates and the others playing the obstacles.  We decided as a class that the pirates should be a mixture of boys and girls.  In our school everyone can play any game.   We make sure that no one is left out and that everyone joins in if they want to. 

Tuesday 23rd January 2018



The children explored maps of London to identify famous landmarks.  The children looked at compass points and learnt a ryhme to help to remember the compass points, "naughty elephants squirt water"




Today the children used practical resources to help them to count in 2's and 5's.

Monday 22nd January

Collective Worship

Today children  discussed "Why do we need to share?" . The teachers role played not sharing. This is what the children said " it is kind to share", "sharing is caring", "it's good to share"
