Science 26.02.18
In Science this week the children have been learning all about the different parts of a plant. They have drawn and labelled plants.
Hooray the snow had cleared so we were able to go outside to do our planting. The children faced several challenges as the ground was still quite frozen and the planters were full of weeds which had to be removed first. Soon, the soil was ready for planting and the children excitedly planted potatoes, onions, lettuces and carrots. Hopefully there will be no more frosts and the vegetables will grow.
Back in the class room each child got to plant their very own sunflower seed. I wonder whose plant will grow the tallest.
Year 2 had a fantastic time making lavender bags. They use dried lavender, rosemary, Epsom salts and lavender oil. The beautiful aroma drifted along the corridor and staff hoped it would have a calming effect on the whole of Key Stage 1.
On Friday 16th March 2018 Year 2 visited the local parish church. Mrs Alder who is a member of the congregation at St Mark's showed the children around the church and explained what all the different features of the church were and how they are used. All the children were eager to look around at the beautiful ornaments, stained glass windows and other areas of the church. Some lucky children were chosen to do special jobs such as ringing the bell or playing the piano.
The children were 'spoilt for choice' at the Leigh School book fair. Thank you to everyone that purchased a book it helped to raise a lot of money for school which can be spent on buying new books for the children.
On Friday 9th March 2018 our school took part in the Great British Spring Clean. The children went out litter picking around the local area in a bid to help keeping the area tidy. Members of the local church of St. Mark's were also keen to join in with the initiative.
Year 2 have had a wonderful World Book Day. They have come to school dressed in some fantastic costumes and taken part in various reading activities. The highlight of the day was the Key Stage 1 and EYFS book quiz. Three teams eagerly competed against each other to answer questions about a book they have been reading in class. Well done the the 'Wolves' team for winning with eight points and an enormous thank you to Ms Bailey for organising and hosting the competition.
Tuesday 27th February 2018.
Year 2 have been practising throwing and catching this week.
P.E. Tuesday 27th March 2018
The children transferred their throwing and catching skills into a game of cricket.
On Friday 23rd March 2018 we held a fund raising day in aid of Sport Relief. All the children came to school in their sporty clothes and were eager to take part in all the exciting activities. As the theme was 'What Moves You ' the aim was to get everybody as active as possible. The children enjoyed all the sporty activities even the running challenge!