Monday 26th February 2018
Maths- division
We used practical equipment and jottings to solve division calculations and problems.
Monday 26th February 2018
For our 'engage' activity we created patterns and sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. He is an environmental artist who creates patterns, textures and sculptures using natural materials from the environment.
Tuesday 27th February 2018
We have been describing memories which are important to us.
Thursday 1st March 2018
World Book Day
We had lots of fun coming dressed up as book characters.
We shared our favourite stories with our friends, we also designed our own monster characters and character profiles.
Tuesday 6th March 2018
Reading Workshop
Year 3 enjoyed a dance workshop linked to ‘Bringing Books to Life’ delivered by West End Schools. We studied the book ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ by Maurice Sendak and then acted out the story using drama, role play and dance. We performed in front of our peers in year 3 and 4.
Tuesday 6th March 2018
Cornerstones- Science
Today we investigated different properties of rocks. We carried out experiments to find out which rocks are: permeable, durable and buoyant
Wednesday 7th March 2018
Computing- We are programmers
Children used scratch to explore the different features to create an animation. We linked this with our English story writing of a natural disaster. We choose characters and backgrounds.
Thursday 8th March 2018
PSHE- Living in the wider world- understanding money
Thursday 8th March 2018
Collective worship.
We have learning all about St. Davids Day. Who St David was and how this day is celebrated.
Friday 9th March 2018
following classroom instructions in French
Thursday 15th March 2018
Cornerstones- History – Roman Towns
We presented our information about the different features of a Roman town.
Monday 19th March 2018
Cornerstones- Innovate
Locating Arthur’s Seat on a map- This is the highest hill Edinburgh. The rocks in the area were created by volcanoes 350 million years ago. Edinburgh castle sits on a part of this volcano.
Building shelters for a RED ALERT evacuation
Monday 26th March 2018
Year 3 had a fantastic workshop at the ThinkTank. We learnt about the 3 different types of rocks and how they are formed: Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
Tuesday 27th March 2018
RE-Easter-Article 14
Children listened to the story of Easter and learnt about its importance. We created Easter cards!
Wednesday 28th March 2018
Cornerstones ‘Express’ stage of our topic Tremors
Children created 3D volcanoes using paper Mache.
We also made lava by adding bicarbonate of soda to the bottle in the centre of the volcano and adding a couple of drops of red food colouring with white vinegar!