Reception have started our new topic this week, Why do Zebras have stripes? We have read the book 'Little Monkey' By Marta Altes, we wrote about the story and in P.E moved like different jungle animals.
In maths we have been looking at different patterns on animals and had a go at creating our own repeated pattern on a snake
This week in Reception we have been very busy! We have looked at height in our mathematics lesson and tried to use the language 'Taller' and 'Shorter'. We got really creative and used a range of different resources to make our own 'Little Monkey' from the story we have been reading. In P.E we used the different apparatus and explored traveling in different ways such as hopping, crawling, climbing and slithering.
Parents Reading Workshop 17.01.19
A HUGE thank you to all the parents that attended Reception’s Parents Workshop it was great to see such a huge turn out! We hope you had lots of fun learning about how we support your child within reading and making the fabulous Little Monkey Masks!
Enjoy reading your Little Monkey book at home and remember it’s yours to KEEP!!
This week in reception we have been focusing on Handa's Suprise. In mathematics we have been doing lots of work on counting money. We all had a go at reading price tags on fruits and matching the correct amount of money to the price tag. In Literacy we have been writing our own labels. We labelled all the different fruits that were in Handa's basket.