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Summer 2

Muck Mess and Mixtures

Have a look at all the interesting things we will be doing this half term.


For our engage stage of the 'Muck, Mess and Mixtures' topic the children went into Forest School and had the opportunity to explore lots of different mixtures.  They had great fun in the Mud Kitchen making gooey, mud pies.  Custard, shaving foam, cornflour and slime were some of the other materials the children were able to explore and they thought of suitable adjectives to describe them.

English 5.6.18

The children have been looking at the features of instructions.  They followed a set of instructions to make some gooey, sticky slime.  Later in the week the children will be writing their own instructions to make slime.


English 18.6.18

In English this week the children will be writing their own poems using their senses.  We all went outside on a sense trail to help with ideas.


Art Day

For Art Day in Year 2 the children learnt about the artist Jackson Pollock who was an abstract artist.  They learnt about the different techniques that he used the create his paintings and were keen to try dripping, drizzling and blow painting to create their own masterpieces.


Eid Party and Fun Day

This year the school held a special 'Fun Day' to celebrate Eid.  This event was organised by parents of children at our school.  The children had a disco outside and played exciting party games.  As usual a scrumptious lunch was served at dinner time followed by more party games and dancing in the afternoon.  A fantastic day was had by all.

A visit from Nurse Ruth

Today the school nurse Ruth visited the children.  She taught them how to stay safe in the sun.  She also told the children about the importance of the PANTS rule.



As part of Cornerstones topic on Muck, Mess and Mixtures the children used clay to create their own sculpture.  


Life Education Tent

In year two everybody enjoyed their visit to the Life Education Tent.  The children learnt how to keep their bodies healthy and as usual their enjoyed meeting Harold the Giraffe.

Sport's Day 27.06.18

Key Stage 1 Sport's Day was fantastic.  The children were split into six different teams and took part in a variety of races.  All the children eagerly cheered their team as they were taking part. The turn out from parents was amazing and as there were so many volunteers for parent race we had to hold several.   Congratulations to the White Team who were the winners of the competition.
