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Year 3


Class:              Mrs Akhtar is the class teacher and Mrs Salim


Class:             Mrs Bahnu is the class teacher and Mrs Allaway is the teaching assistant.

Predators come to meet Year 3!

Year 3 have enjoyed learning about 'Predators' this half term. 

On Wednesday 4th October we had a special visit from 'Animals in Hands.' The children were really excited to meet the animals and find out lots of exciting information about them. We met a raccoon,  sugar glider, praying mantis, snake, toad and a bearded dragon. 

Here are some photographs of us enjoying this wonderful experience. 

'Animals in Hands'

3D Shape Sorters!

We have had a very busy today exploring 3D shapes and looking at their properties. Children used key words: vertices, faces and edges to describe each 3D shape. Each group sorted the shapes using a criteria.  

Meet our Predators!

Year 3 have been very busy making 3D models of Predators. We discussed what materials would be suitable for making our models and which techniques  we can use to join the body parts together. Can you guess which animals we have made?

Tribal Tales

Our Topic for Autumn 2 is all about the changes from Stone Age, Bronze Age to Iron Age. 

Below is a list of possible homework activities you could do to support your child at home. 



Our visit to Brighouse!

Wednesday 8th November 2017 

Children had a fantastic day at 'Brighouse' in Atherstone as part of our topic 'Tribal tales.' 

The day was fun packed with activities, such as: den building, a nature walk and an opportunity to explore the local area. 

This visit has supported the children with our History topic of 'Stone Ages to Iron Ages' and our English writing for 'Stig of the Dump.'  

Here are some comments from the children:


Sohaib "I had a fun day because I walked in the mushy mud"

Mariam "I enjoyed building dens with my group"


Stonehenge silhouette paintings

Monday 20th November 2017



We have been mixing different colours to create light and dark shades! 

Thursday 23rd November 

Year 3 Inspire Maths workshop- we can master maths by developing our fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. Meet our Mastery helpers: 

  Fluency Fish When the children use equipment and jottings to solve a range of calculations


 Reasoning Rhino When children use mathematical language to explain and show proof of what they have found out.


   Problem solving Panda When children apply mathematical knowledge to solve problems and find solutions

Thank you for coming! 


Thursday 30th November 2017

Stay safe on the roads!



 Today we were thinking about how to be safe near roads and the importance of wearing a seat belt. 


Tuesday 5th December 2017

Science- Year 3 have been investigating the patterns in shadows



What do you notice when the light moves away from the object?

Wednesday 6th December 2017


Children have been busy generating ideas for a debate for and against the hunting of animals. 



Thursday 7th December 2017

Tribal Tales workshop 

Today parents attended a workshop where children presented their work about Stone Ages to Iron Ages. Parents had a lot of fun participating in a quiz! 

To embrace this day children came dressed as Stone Aged people.









Monday 11th December 2017



This half term Year 3 have been learning the colours and numbers in French!


Year 3 Spring 1 Curriculum overview

Topic home learning Ideas

English and Cornerstones

Wednesday 10th January 2018

Today we have been busy following instructions to make healthy smoothies!



Children said:  Mer 'This smoothie is very tasty.'

                       Imaan  'It is soothing and delicious.'

                       Ayaan 'It smells sweet and tastes yummy.'


Wednesday 10th January 2018

Cornerstones- Art

We created fruit collage faces in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo.

Which fruits can you see?


Monday 15th January 2018

RE-The story of 'The Black Stone'

We learnt about the importance of being 'fair' through this story



Wednesday 17th January 2018

Computing-We are party planners

We have been creating surveys to find out what we need for our parties.


   We used word to create tables. 

Wednesday 17th January 2018

Cornerstones- D&T 

We designed and made our smoothie packages. We researched about the important nutritional information we needed to include. 




Thursday 18th January

Collective Worship


We discussed the story of King Arthur's cave and the importance of not being greedy.

Thursday 18th January 2018

Maths- Measuring length

We had a fun time discovering how tall the children were in our class and comparing our measurements. We converted our measurements from cm to meters. 


